Understanding HDR Photography (Expanded Guides - Techniques)


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Author: David Taylor

Brand: Brand: Ammonite Press

Edition: Pap/Crds


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Number Of Pages: 192

Publisher: Ammonite Press


A comprehensive guide to shooting and post-processing HDR images

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is the process of shooting several images of a scene at various exposures, then merging them into one file. This produces photographs that are crisp and detailed, from highlights to mid-tones to shadows, full of drama and expressiveness. It's an effect that is similar to how we perceive scenes with our own eyes, although it can also produce impactful hyper-real images. Written by a professional photographer in a clear and jargon-free style, this book helps photographers understand the techniques of shooting and post-processing HDR images. Step-by-step case studies clearly explain the theory and practice of shooting and processing HDR images, with hints and tips that help to avoid the pitfalls of this engrossing genre of photography.

Release Date: 01-05-2012

Package Dimensions: 6.9 x 5.7 x 0.4 inches

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